Tuesday, August 9, 2011



He’s staring into the habitual allure
of those candy glossed screens

that are always telling, selling,
gossiping, proclaiming, advertising-

and categorizing levels of
supposed societal normalcy,

sprinkled with commercial foil wrapped
lemon drop lollygaggers.

He is: becoming addicted to the lie,
and maybe? So are you, or are you?

His eyes fondled her red sugar glass heart,
yes, he subscribed to the notion

that she is: an image
dusted sweet

she is: red sugar glass

and that she indeed was: pure

And don’t you see?
That he is right-

she is: the perfect break down in society, the perfect distraction,
from what is really going on.

She’s held up high on a pedestal for all to marvel at-
and for all to see,

as their blood glucose levels
rose higher and higher,

and their true voices like worked blades,
grew duller and duller.

And maybe she is-
this superficial ideology of modern day perfection

maybe she is less
shatterable and more sweet-

but not in the way he was shown,
not in the way he was told,

beneath it all,
she is the frail shell shrapnel,

beneath the ploy-
she is the image of a financed war,

behind the scenes,

there’s a puppetry of hearts
a carefully orchestrated mirage being shown,

because they realized that if you want to make a nation of people complacent,
always strike the heart of the matter,

to make young men fall to their knees,
to keep the masses entertained, and never truly informed.

The media told him,
To never unfold

his accordion mind.

-To never look too far into things,
and they give him just enough education to keep him satisfied,

and they feed him just enough garbage to keep him full,

as the central bankers get fatter, so do the politicians, and the corporate pigs from the media and television networks get taller, as they become the city and now, we live in squalor.

Dear young men-
young son,

if I could say something,
from my unframed grotesque natural stagger-

please be the question mark,
that makes them scatter.

Dear son,

Listen to your mother, as I do listen to you-
and teach your daughter, with a listening ear too.

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