Tuesday, August 9, 2011



Do as you will;
as you might

without the barbed restraints
that were holding your wrists down,

you’re capable of just about anything now

both lawless and law abiding,
it’s all about having the power of a real choice.

You’re a citizen of the universe today-

So float on by this simple blue yonder
and this smoggy urban plain.

Drift far away,
swim up higher,
dive down farther.

Because you deserve so much more,
you’re better than this place, and that’s all this life has to offer

so long as you stay.

I see you there
up on the coral horizon

you're trying to fill
a loveless void-

eating stars,
you fork them in,

a belly full of them,
they prickle as they spin.

Scales and fins,
metallic and salt,

Fill you now.

Your inner chemistry begins-
where you end,

and extends
beyond you.

The temperature- it cools,
Is it a dying reef?

(That marked this collapse

You interchange- and some think it’s a chemical reaction
that’s taking new shape,

brings you deeper in, with every
star you ingest you become even more unkept.

A sea of glass orbs, like corked bottles- they bob
with messages you left yourself at the end; above you here as you begin.

Your imaginarium fills this pandemonium
crumbling down.

The desert,
it rushes you back in again,
to the sea-less shore

to desolation,
grain by grain,

piling up-
you return to your former resignation.

You turn terra cotta orange,
turn into a fragile ecosystem;

into a frail architectural

Lending itself to others as a house,
to make their homes within.

Your bones turn brittle as the dead coral fades,
and cremation white fills the orange
like bone death,

this shade leaves you hollow now.

And you’ve long since began to resist the life you hate,
as you remain your only death.

It’s all because of your heart,
you must know this now-

She crosses and she fades in the most usual of ways-
Into the fire works-

taking the hill of blackberry bushes,
she changes them to sparkly candy red-

the ones that once painted the hills deep and black
like her outer space

you doodled sweet notes in
Leaving them for her to find, with sarcastic clues all over the place.

now you must,

do as you will;
as you might

without the barbed restraints
that were holding your wrists down,

you’re capable of just about anything now

both lawless and law abiding,
it’s all about having the power of a real choice.


You’re a citizen of the universe today-

So float on by this simple blue yonder,
This smoggy urban plain too.

Drift far away,
swim up higher,
dive down farther.

Because you deserve so much more,
you’re better than this place, and that’s all this life has to offer

so long as you stay.

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