Friday, December 4, 2009

Cuss you

Cuss you

Fuck you

{let's not be polite}

And this punishing silence
you bequeath to me,

full bouquets of silent faces
looking up
looking down,

so beautiful they are
with their hues,

pomegranate red-
gooseberry yellow, squid ink violet-

petals I want to pinch
to see if they're alive, really that vibrant-
and of course I do- only to kill them with my touch, they transpire.

Why are things always so comparable, why are we so astute?!!
Why play these games of ours?

How dare you look at me that way-with those eyes,
those eyes of yours

like spun worlds orbitting what?
Who knows?

those untelling eyes,
that frighten me so-

with temples of colour
gaseous array of heat of cold of

of life absolute.
Of love like no other-

How dare you see through me,
and my senseless-

full sensed

this pointless
poignant life,

that seems to be over just as soon as it starts-
we're on a death valley

freefalling from birth canal
to grave

grasping at roots as we fall there-
hole takes us all-

fed to roots,
that make pith, and

but who will remember-
I cussed you one last time!

Let it be known!

which we are
we were
when we expire

to wherever we go-
I whole heartedly fire!!!

full heartedly fallen
like cussed out angels
under poetic guise-

stripped of all hopes for normalcy-

with dirt in our mouths;

And philosophy and star stuff in our bones.

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