Monday, November 16, 2009

Over and Over again

Over and Over again.

Your words air,
like lightened fear,

like the eyes of the gazelle
being hunted

by the lion of me.

Fear is a complication,
of a term served on this earth~

After shying from anguish, a product sold,
after being scorched by the evil devoids'.

Fear is simply learnt-
from the hand of the feeder,

that hits us low-
we are taught.

But this was the choice.

Dear shams,

I may be a lion,
but so are you,

so are you-

we are a pride ,
we are intuitives you and I-

you and I can consume one another,
over and over again,

sip soul light, eat fear, drink laughter,
and steam tears over rice.

trade spaces for days-

Lion and gazelle are the same,
we're only mere shape shifters'

from mirroring galaxies away~

you may try to slake me away with you words of great fear-
that do mine too- overlay?-

But your words of fear-
are hallowed,

for they are shallowed in the waters that my feet tempt to bay~
Dear "shams",

I give you me,
the gazelle,


the lion.

This day.

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